Adding Storage to the Bathroom
March 24, 2022
Recently I have been working on my main bathroom. I just finished painting my cabinet a beautiful blue. When I moved into my current home, there was a washer and dryer in the bathroom. I hated that but it was so convenient I decided to keep it there.
Unfortunately, the washer broke and I decide to remove it from the bathroom and install it in the basement where it should have been from the beginning.
The issue is now I have holes in the walls!! Since remodeling the entire bathroom is not within the budget, I had to come up with an idea.
I decided to add a storage cabinet. When I went shopping online, I couldn’t find one. Everything was out of stock due to Covid!
So I figured why not build one? How hard can it be?? Famous last words right? Actually, it really wasn’t that hard to build. And the result was just what I needed and wanted.
This is what it looked like with the washer and dryer. Not very attractive, I know.

It was such a mess getting it out. It didn’t fit the doorway, so we had to take it apart.

First thing was to create a plan. Figure out the measurements.

Buy all the materials. Home Depot is great because they will cut the pieces for you.

The box was built, now to add the feet.

Ikea had the feet that I want. They were white metal. I spackle the raw edges and caulked in the seams

I ordered storage containers from Target. Just waiting for them to come in.

Finally, they arrived and I was able to finish the project. So much better than before.