Should you paint your fireplace?

October 16, 2020
Painted fireplace, is it a good idea or a bad idea? Tough decision!! As a home stager and redesigner, I often see fireplaces in my client’s home. Some are in great shape, some not so much. When I recommend painting, I usually get this reaction, “Really, you think I should paint it?”.  If your fireplace looks outdated, then it’s definitely worth painting it.
What a Difference!!
But what if your fireplace looks like this? Then what? Do you still paint it? I have to say; I like the fireplace before it was painted. I also love it after as well. So what do you do? To Paint or not to paint? That is the question. In my opinion, if it looks nice, then leave it alone. Not everyone may like painted fireplaces, and if they do, they can always paint it themselves. Only paint it if it’s in bad shape!
Remember, when you’re selling your home, it’s essential to eliminate any potential problems buyers may have. An ugly fireplace is a potential problem. So don’t be afraid to paint the fireplace if you think it may be an issue!

At Abella Home Staging & Redesign, we believe any home can be beautifully transformed. We believe in delivering a custom-made look but without the custom-made price tag!! Call us, and let’s get started today!!


Painted fireplace; Good or bad idea?

March 26, 2020

Painted Fireplace; Good or Bad Idea??

Painted fireplace, is it a good or bad idea?? Tough decision. It all depends on the condition of the fireplace. When I recommend painting the fireplace, I often get a reaction from my clients. “Really? You think I should paint it?” is usually the response I get. But if your fireplace is old and outdated, then yes, by all means, paint it.

As you can see, you can also paint it a different color other than white. Black looks stunning. An ugly fireplace is a potential problem for buyers, so if your fireplace is old and outdated, or it just isn’t appealing, then paint it. This will give it an updated look.