What’s old is new again
What’s old is new again.
What’s old is new again. As I mentioned in my last posting, “Green” has become very popular. Going green not only saves the planet, but it also eliminates a lot of waste in the landfill. Bedside, they don’t make furniture like they use to, and let’s face it the old “stuff” is so much better.
When I meet with my clients, there have been many times when they are consider getting rid of old furniture. But if I feel the furniture has potential, I enough recommend they reuse or repurpose it and give it a new life. They are often surprised by my recommendation. I explain to them that adding unique and antique pieces adds so much character to any space.
I love some of these examples of how furniture has been refinished. Some have been completely changed!!

So the next time you think about throwing away an old piece of furniture, take a moment and think. Can this be saved? Not only will it save you money and be “Green” but it will give you bragging rights, which is always nice.